Register for the Spring 2025 season today!
Spring Registration Fees by Division:
- Tee Ball: $145.00 for first player.*
- Instructional, Kid Pitch, Minors, Intermediate: $205 for first player.*
- Juniors: $245 for first player.*
- Seniors: $245 for first player.*
* $15 discount on the 2nd child and $20 for 3rd + all additional children registration fee. Early bird pricing is available for a limited time.
West Side offers boys and girls from 4 – 16 the opportunity to play baseball. Our aim is player development at all ages and levels. We play a District 28 League Schedule and offer the following specific programs.
Baseball Equipment List
AGES: For boys and girls league ages 4-5. Click here to determine league age.
DESCRIPTION: Tee Ball is for boys and girls who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting, throwing and catching. In Tee Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee and we work in some coach pitch as the season progresses. Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching (score is not kept, all players bat, and positions are rotated). The primary goals of Tee Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball, allow them to experience the value of teamwork, and most of all, have fun! All players receive a trophy during Tee ball Day at Waltz Park to end the season.
LOCATION: West Goshen Community Park, 1023 Fern Hill Rd., West Chester, PA 19380. Most games played by in the back of the park (enter through Ice Line parking lot); some games played on the 46/60 ft. field.
SEASON & SCHEDULE: Season lasts from early April through early June. Practices 1-2 times a week in March (weather permitting). Two games a week following Opening Day in early April.
NOTES: “Play with” requests are honored where possible.
FEE: $115
AGES: League Ages 6-7. Click here to determine league age.
The Rookie Division has an emphasis on instruction, fundamentals, and basic rules of the game. In the Rookie Division, girls and boys learn to play baseball on a small field focusing on learning positions, fielding, throwing, and hitting with a coach pitching. All players should learn the standard nine positions defensively. Parents/players can expect initial practices and one to two games per week over the course of the regular season which extends from March to June. Games are used for instructional purposes. Scores are not kept and all players bat. Game structure will focus on 45 min of practice/instruction followed by 3-4 innings of game play. There are no division standings, playoffs, or All-Star tournament play at the end of the season for the Rookie Division. All players receive a trophy/medal during Rookie Day at Waltz Park. “Play with” requests are honored where possible.
WSLL and USTC have partnered to offer an exciting new addition to our spring Baseball Rookie Division program. Our Baseball Rookie division will now start in March inside the new Dome at USTC!
It will be a supplemental 5-week clinic-style Spring practice/training program held on Saturday mornings inside the new USTC dome. The sessions will be held every Saturday in March from 9:00am – 10:00am with the exception of Saturday March 16th when it will be from 8:00am-9:00am due to availability.
The sessions will focus on teaching and building the fundamental skills of the game of baseball & player development.
USTC, 1426 Marshallton-Thorndale Rd, Downingtown, PA 19335 – The clinic-style program will be held indoors at the USTC Dome in Downingtown, PA.
East Bradford Park, 835 Kenmara Dr. West Chester, PA 19380. (46/60 ft field)
SEASON & SCHEDULE: The season will start with Team activity through the training sessions indoors at USTC in March. These sessions will be lead by Team Managers with WSLL oversight and guidance each week. In April, all activity will move outdoors to East Bradford park (Kenmara) from April through early June. Once the season moves outdoors, this division will target two days of practice/games per week following Opening Day in early April.
NOTES: “Play with” requests are honored where possible. Players league age 6 are not permitted to "play up" in a higher division. A league age 7 player can request to play up in the Minors (Kid Pitch) Division by making a request to the player agent ([email protected]) and participating in a mandatory evaluation.
FEE: $205
AGES: League Ages 8-9. Click here to determine league age.
DESCRIPTION: In the Kid Pitch Division, girls and boys learn to pitch and hit kid-pitch. All players should learn the standard nine positions. Trained junior umpires enforce a combination of rules put forward by WSLL Directors and Officers. Parent/players can expect 1-2 games per week over the course of the regular season. There is a division playoff at the end of the season. The Kid Pitch Division participates in a District-wide All-Star program. Little League rules are introduced in a controlled manner. Stealing is allowed but limited. Players pitch with limited coach pitch early in the season. Little League Pitch counts and days rest rules are in effect to protect young arms from overuse. Emphasis remains on fundamentals, but situational defense is introduced. All players are placed in the batting line up with minimum playing time dictated by league rules. Scores are kept but league standings are not. Double elimination playoff at the end of the season with seedings determined by draw of the hat.
LOCATION: West Goshen Community Park, 1023 Fern Hill Rd. West Chester, PA 19380. (46/60 ft field)
SEASON & SCHEDULE: Season lasts from mid-March through early June. Practices 1-2 times a week in March (weather permitting). 1-2 games a week following Opening Day in early April. Regular season and playoffs conclude early June.
NOTES: All League Age 8 and 9 players are assigned to the Minors Division. Please sign up for a player evaluation. This is a separate registration. This is a draft league to keep talent separated and create parity. "Play with" requests are not honored in this division.
FEE: $205
AGES: League Ages 10-11. Click here to determine league age.
DESCRIPTION: The Majors Division is designed for 10-11 year old girls and boys who play on the Little League playing field (46 foot pitching distance to home plate and 60 foot base paths). Player maturity, abilities, skill levels and interests are different. The goal of the Majors program is to develop advanced skills. Modified Little League rules are used. Players Pitch 100% of the time. Pitch counts are monitored in accordance with Little League rules to protect young arms from overuse. All players are placed in the batting line up with minimum playing time dictated by league rules. Scores are kept but league standings are not. Double elimination playoff at the end of the season with seedings determined by draw of the hat. Players are eligible for District wide Little League sanctioned All-Star teams.
LOCATION: Field B, Waltz Park, 50 Water Willow Rd. West Chester, PA 19380.
SEASON & SCHEDULE: Season lasts from early April through early June. Practices 1-2 times a week in March (weather permitting). Two games a week following Opening Day in early April. Regular Season and Playoffs conclude early June.
NOTES: All League Age 10 and 11 players are assigned to the Majors Division. Please sign up for a player evaluation. This is a separate registration. This is a draft league to keep talent separated and create parity. "Play with" requests are not honored in this division.
FEE: $205
AGES: League Ages 12-13 Click here to determine league age.
DESCRIPTION: The Intermediate Division is designed for 12-13 year old girls and boys who play on a 50/70 Little League playing field (50 foot pitching distance to home plate and 70 foot base paths). The league primarily follows the Little League Rule book for competitive play. Pitch counts are monitored in accordance with Little League rules to protect young arms from overuse. Scores and division standings are tracked. There is a seeded division playoff at the end of the season. Players are eligible for District wide Little League sanctioned All-Star teams (League 12 age players are eligible for the 46/60 district tournament; league age 13 players are eligible for the 50/70 district tournament). Minimum playing time is dictated by League Rules.
LOCATION: Field A, Waltz Park, 50 Water Willow Rd. West Chester, PA 19380.
SEASON & SCHEDULE: Season lasts from mid-March through early June. Practices 1-2 times a week in March (weather permitting). Two games a week following Opening Day in early April. Regular Season and Playoffs conclude early June.
NOTES: All League Age 12 and 13 players are assigned to the Intermediate Division. Please sign up for a player evaluation. This is a separate registration. This is a draft league to keep talent separated and create parity. "Play with" requests are not honored in this division.
FEE: $205
AGES: League Ages 13-14. Click here to determine league age.
DESCRIPTION: The West Side Juniors Program is the next stage of baseball for girls and boys (ages 13-14) in our community who desire to continue playing baseball after Little League 50/70. The Juniors Division allows players to participate on high school teams. Most middle school and high school baseball games are played in the afternoon shortly after school. WSLL Juniors games are played in the evenings or weekends with the earliest start time around 5:00 PM. Playing on the 90′ diamond brings many different aspects of the game into play – it’s REAL Baseball! Leading off, hit & run plays, squeeze plays, pick-off plays, designated hitters. The Junior Division is a very competitive level of play for teenagers. Speed, agility, discipline, focus, knowledge of the game and practice all are important aspects of playing baseball on the regulation size field.
LOCATION: Home games played at West Goshen Community Park, 1023 Fern Hill Rd., West Chester, PA 19380. Away games are played against other teams within District 28.
SEASON & SCHEDULE: Season lasts from mid-March through early June. Practices 1-2 times a week in March (weather permitting). Two games a week following Opening Day in early April. Regular Season and Playoffs conclude early June.
NOTES: "Play with" requests are taken into consideration but not guaranteed.
FEE: $245
AGES: League Ages 15-16. Click here to determine league age.
DESCRIPTION: The West Side Seniors Program is the next stage of baseball for ages 15-16. The Seniors Division allows players to participate on high school teams. WSLL Seniors games are played in the evenings or weekends with the earliest start time around 5:00 PM. Playing on the 90′ diamond brings many different aspects of the game into play – it’s REAL Baseball! Leading off, hit & run plays, squeeze plays, pick-off plays, designated hitters. The Seniors Division is a very competitive level of play for teenagers. Speed, agility, discipline, focus, knowledge of the game and practice all are important aspects of playing baseball on the regulation size field.
LOCATION: Home games played at West Goshen Community Park, 1023 Fern Hill Rd., West Chester, PA 19380. Away games are played against other teams within District 28.
SEASON & SCHEDULE: Season lasts from mid-March through early June. Practices 1-2 times a week in March (weather permitting). Two games a week following Opening Day in early April. Regular Season and Playoffs conclude early June.
NOTES: "Play with" requests are taken into consideration but not guaranteed.
FEE: $245